About Greenholm

We are very proud of everything we achieve with our children and we believe that

by working in partnership with parents and children,

everyone can achieve their best in a safe and happy environment.

Our last Ofsted inspection was in November 2022.  Their report identified many strengths including the quality of teaching and learning and standards achieved by the children. 

  • “The school continues to be good”
  • “The school has ensured a strong focus on improving teaching and learning through effective training of staff, including newly qualified teachers” 
  • “Outcomes for pupils in reading, writing, and mathematics are improving strongly”
  • “Greenholm school provides a very positive learning environment. In lessons visited during the inspection, pupils were completely engaged in their learning, free from interruptions or any disruptive behavior”

Greenholm School is a three-form entry community primary school with just over 630 children. The children and staff are from a wide range of cultures, backgrounds, and abilities and we believe that this supports all children in learning from and about each other. The school is very focused on ensuring that all children achieve their very best and enjoy their learning experiences to the full.

Our code of conduct is clear, supports all children in developing life skills and should be followed by children, parents and staff when in school.

These are :

  • We are polite
  • We respect and help each other
  • We tell the truth
  • We try our best
  • We take responsibility for our own actions

The school comprises of the Main two-story block, the Foundation Block for Reception, Years 1 and  2 which are linked to the Main Block, plus the Jubilee block for years 5 and 6. The main building houses eight classrooms, for years 3 & 4, the school library, offices, a large ICT suite, and two halls. The Foundation Block has 8 classrooms and 3 shared areas (one for each year group). The Jubilee block has six classrooms, and a shared learning hall. There is also a separate block of two classrooms for the Before and After School Club. The main areas of the school are accessible to the disabled. The school enjoys the benefits of extensive grounds, playgrounds with climbing frames, and well-established areas of habitat. The grounds are a valuable resource for all outdoor learning as well as for play.

The Before & After School Club is based in front of the main block and uses the school’s facilities for their activities. It is run by school staff and is well attended. We have an well stocked library, where children are encouraged to borrow books on a weekly basis. The school has a fully fitted ICT suite with 32 computers where children have access to support learning in all areas of the curriculum. In addition to this, each classroom also has one or two computers and there is a laptop suite within the Jubilee Block, where year 5 and 6 children can access at any time, and there are laptops readily available for years 3 and 4.


Our governors are elected from the staff and local community, they provide strategic leadership and accountability for our school. Each of our governors are a member of a governing board. Individual governors may not act independently of the rest of the governing board; decisions are the joint responsibility of the board.  

The key functions of the governing board are to:

  • Set the aims and objectives for the school
  • Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives

Our govenors are responsible for making sure that Greenholm provides good quality education for all pupils. This has the best chance of happening when there are high expectations of what pupils can achieve. Our governors promote effective ways of teaching and learning when setting the school aims and policies.