Greenholm Curriculum Aims

We are a school community where everyone is safe, respected and valued so that we can all achieve our best.

‘Together, we believe to achieve’

Vision Statement

At Greenholm we want all learners to be happy, confident, articulate and secure so that they achieve high standards, make good progress and thrive.

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum provides the knowledge, skills and learning experiences to prepare all our children to become aspirational, positive global citizens.

Greenholm Guarantee

We guarantee that, while at Greenholm, each child will have the following learning experiences:
A social, moral, spiritual, and cultural education that broadens children’s awareness and understanding of the world and their place within it.
The chance to explore and appreciate the arts (discovering and experiencing the work of significant artists) and are given opportunities for creative expression
Have an enquiry-based approach to learning.
Opportunities to perform with confidence in a range of contexts. (Class assemblies/ performances)Acquire a deep knowledge and appreciation of significant geographical and historical facts.
Be equipped for their futures in a rapidly changing world recognizing the importance of technology and science.
Value, celebrate and build on children’s religious and cultural heritage and develop a sense of identity, including visits that promote an understanding and appreciation of local, national, and international arts, culture, and history.
Understand their rights and responsibilities in relation to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
To learn the benefits of physically and emotionally healthy lifestyles by participating in high-quality personal, social, and health education including relationships and sex education. To be entrepreneurial, show initiative, and understand how they can contribute positively locally, globally, and internationally.
Know and understand the fundamental shared values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and appreciation of those with different faiths and beliefs.
To understand equality and respect diversity.
Have outside learning experiences.
To learn about different cultures and communicate in a different language


At Greenholm the ‘Achievers’ learning tools are at the heart of the curriculum. We believe they are the tools needed to help children learn.

Greenholm Curriculum Overview