Parent Pay

The School has an online payment service available for select purposes.

The school office staff have created a handbook with instructions for you. The link to ParentPay and the instructions are available below. (Prices correct at time of publication).

School Meals: £2.40 per day
Before After School Club: Before – £4.00 After – £6.50  Siblings: Before – £2.00 After – £3.25

Uniform can not be purchased through ParentPay. Please go to the Uniform page for more information.

Music: Music tuition is priced depending on the instrument and length of the sessions. Parents are informed of the pricing through the class teacher or Tuesday News. 

Late Collection: £5.00 per 5 minutes when late for pick up after school finishes £15.00 per 15 minutes when late for pick up after Club finished  

ParentPay Guide

ParentPay – online school payments portal

If you have any questions not answered in the handbook, please contact the School Office on 0121 464 6321.