Curriculum Intent
We aim for pupils to leave Greenholm with a deep conceptual understanding of maths by developing fluency, reasoning, problem-solving through a mastery curriculum and real-life contexts.

Curriculum Goals
In the Early Years, Foundation stage pupils will begin to form the foundations of a solid understanding of the concept of number and shape, space, and measure. By the end of the EYFS, all pupils will be eager to explore and develop competency in using a range of strategies to solve number problems independently explain their process. Pupils will feel confident to use and apply skills learned in maths throughout all areas of the curriculum. Pupils will develop a love of mathematics and become confident contextual problem solvers who lead their own learning.
Key Stage 1:
By the end of Key Stage 1, our pupils will have built on their foundations from the Early Years Foundation Stage. They will develop their curiosity and fluency when working with numbers, shapes, and measures and begin to confidently reason and problem solve in a range of different contexts. Our pupils will begin to use and apply their mathematical knowledge within maths, as well as the wider curriculum.
Key Stage 2:
At Greenholm, our pupils will complete Key Stage 2 as lifelong learners with confidence, skills, deep knowledge and understanding of maths to enable them to conquer complex real-world situations effectively and resiliently. They will have a passion, enjoyment, and intrigue surrounding maths and be able to articulate themselves clearly, displaying the comprehensive foundations they have acquired and developed while at Greenholm.

Mental Maths
In order to give all students a lifelong numerical foundation, mental strategies such as number bonds, multiplication tables, and other arithmetic skills will be provided in every lesson. Pupils will have the confidence to recall mental strategies with ease, speed, and efficiency.
Mastery Maths
At the heart of maths, teaching is the Mastery approach, which includes pupils being taught through concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) methods. Alongside this, reasoning and problem-solving strategies are developed in order to deepen the understanding of all learners. Technical vocabulary has to be shared, modelled and explored, which will support their learning, particularly during cross-curricular challenges where pupils are required to apply their skills to real-life situations.

With parental involvement and homework, these mental maths and arithmetic strategies can be embedded at home.
Inclusion Within Mastery
A typical maths lesson at Greenholm always starts with an interactive, purposeful warm-up to develop rapid recall facts as well as mental strategies. The main session is introduced with an anchor problem; engaging pupils by creating excitement for learning where challenges are provided through stimulating contexts. Through effective questioning, the teacher can then tailor the tasks to best support and challenge the pupils. A variety of tasks will be presented in different ways, where CPA methods are undertaken using practical equipment and written methods simultaneously.
Based on continuous assessment, pupils are given steps to help them address any gaps or provide further challenge, which maximizes progress. Skills are further consolidated, through cross-curricular links which strengthen the application of knowledge and provides a memorable context.
Maths Policy
Calculation Policy – Maths No Problem
Maths Schemes Of Work
Useful Websites
The following websites are useful in supporting your child(ren) with maths at home. Any extra practise done at home can really help your child develop and consolidate the learning done in school.
Topmarks has a range of maths games for all areas of learning and they are broken down into age groups too.
Place Value Basketball – Dienes Game for 5 to 8 Year Olds (
This game supports place value and has dienes that the children use within school.
Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
Hit the button is a fantastic game to support earning times tables. Times Tables are vital for all areas of maths as children grow through school.
Maths – Teaching resources (
Wordwall has a range of maths games and activities for many areas of the maths curriculum.
Maths Games for KS2: designed by a teacher for teachers – Mathsframe
Maths frame is more specific to key stage 2. It covers many areas of maths and can be extremely useful for practicing for the Year 4 Times Tables Check.
Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (
Times Tables Rock Stars has a range of games and activities that will help develop your child’s times tables. There are ‘coins/rewards’ to win and children can improve their rock star character. Children in Key Stage 2 at Greenholm all have their own log in details. Please ask your child’s teacher so you can use this at home, too.
Numbots is for Greenholm children in Reception and Key Stage 1. There are lots of games to support them with their number bonds, adding and subtracting. Please ask your child’s teachers for their log in so they can use this at home, too.