At Greenholm, we give pupils lots of opportunities to learn and enjoy music.

Music Intent
At Greenholm Primary, our music curriculum is carefully crafted to inspire creativity, build confidence, and nurture a lifelong appreciation of music. Through a progressive journey, children develop skills in musical appreciation, performance, composition, and evaluation, allowing them to express themselves with confidence and originality.
We encourage children to explore the work of global musicians, fostering curiosity and cultural awareness while building a rich repertoire of techniques. This approach not only enhances their own compositions but also deepens their understanding of music as a universal language of creativity and emotion.

Music Rationale
Our music curriculum is designed to ensure every pupil experiences a balanced and enriching journey of musical discovery. Each stage builds on prior learning, providing opportunities to develop new skills while drawing on previous experiences.
Within a safe and supportive environment, pupils are encouraged to explore, experiment, and take creative risks. They learn to play a wide range of tuned and untuned instruments, read and use musical notations, and develop their own methods for recording music.
A strong emphasis is placed on listening and appraisal skills. Pupils engage with high-quality music from diverse genres and traditions, identifying musical elements and reflecting on how these create impact. Each year, pupils study a significant composer, evaluating their work and exploring the intent and techniques behind it.
By the time pupils leave Greenholm, they are equipped with a solid foundation in musical knowledge and understanding. They can compose original pieces, perform confidently, and critically evaluate their work, fostering a sense of achievement and pride in their creative endeavors.
Year 4 Brass Link: