

It is vitally important that your child attends school regularly and on time. We know that children who do not attend school regularly do not achieve as well as they might do and find it more difficult to maintain friendships.  

From September 2024, we will be introducing a new weekly and termly reward system for good attendance and punctuality. 


If your child is absent from school, it is vital that you notify the school as soon as you are able by leaving a voice message on the absence line (0121 464 6321) for each day of their absence. 

If we have not received notification of their absence, we will telephone parents to check that they are ill. This is done to ensure that children are safe and have not got lost on the way to school. 


Children who need to be taken out of school for an appointment must be signed out at the school office. This is to ensure that we know where children are going and with whom. It may also be the case that we ask for proof, this can be in the form of an appointment letter or message provided by your medical team.  

National Framework for Penalty Notices 

New regulations have come into effect from 19th August 2024. This new legislation does not allow schools to authorise any holidays in term time. 

Please ensure that you complete an absence notification form and return this to the school office. This can be downloaded below. This enables us to know where the child is and for how long they will be away from school, meaning that we will not require a daily phone call during this period. 

Where children are not receiving a full-time education and there is not a good reason why, parents may face a penalty notice for irregular attendance, or even be referred to court where they could receive both a fine and a criminal record. 

To find out more about this please use the following links: 

If you have any concerns about your child’s attendance, please feel free to contact us for support.  

Absence Request Form

Attendance Update – September 2024