Concerns or Complaints

Whilst we always strive to do the best job we can do, we know that sometimes parents may have a concern which they need addressing, or occasionally a complaint.

If you have a concern please ensure you have spoken to the class teacher regarding this in the first instance. They can be contacted through the school or their email addresses. If after that you are still concerned. please contact the phase leader. These are Bethan Simpson for Reception and Year 1, Humara Haq for Years 2, 3 and 4, and Lee Hooper for Years 5 and 6. These can be contacted on their school email addresses at:

If you have a complaint about anything that you feel we have done, please contact the school. There is a procedure to follow to ensure the complaint is dealt with appropriately. A copy of the complaint summary and policy is below. 

Complaints Summary

Complaints Policy and Procedure