Mr. Bird
Greenholm Primary School Head Teacher
Welcome to Greenholm Primary! Our school is made up of a diverse team of children, staff and parents, each bringing their own unique backgrounds and experiences to produce a friendly and caring community that is committed to giving every child the very best start in life. This is evident to see in many different areas of school life!
At Greenholm we believe that children should be happy, confident, articulate and secure in all they do. We also believe that they should achieve high standards, make good progress and thrive in all areas- our role is to provide the environment, experiences and opportunities to ensure all this.
Across all areas of the school, the staff team are committed to valuing each child, recognising their own individual qualities and personality and building caring relationships that mean that everyone feels a part of the school community. We know that these relationships underpin and provide a firm foundation for children to thrive.
Learning is at the heart of all we do to make sure children are ready to succeed in the future. Our children would say that learning across the school is engaging and fun thanks to our curriculum and all the opportunities it provides for learning. We have a school farm and outdoor learning area, a strong focus on the creative and performing arts and strong links with organisations like the Hippodrome Theatre which provide a huge variety of trip and visits to enrich children’s learning.
In order for all to thrive, a strong emphasis is placed on supporting children as they move up the school to develop increasing social skills and emotional maturity. At Greenholm we want children to look forward to school and enjoy being here, exciting curriculum opportunities and positive relationships across the school support this.
I hope you find the information on the website useful but if you have any further enquiries please contact me or the school through the website link on this site.