
“Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility”

Our Safeguarding Team

James Bird
Daniel Evans
Abid Halim
Sian Kettle
Chloe Roberts
Bethany Lea-Redmond
Josh Devey
James Christie
Seemita Gumbs

Greenholm Primary School is committed to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of all our children and adults who work at our school. We are fully dedicated to ensure that strong safeguarding procedures are in place which is consistent, effective and follows the guidance of Birmingham City Council to make sure our families, children, and staff are supported.


If you have any Safeguarding Concerns you would like to raise with the school please contact the lead DSL – Mr Evans.

If you have an immediate concern and cannot contact us please visit Children’s Advice and Support Service (CASS) website or call them on 0121 303 1888.

In an emergency where a child’s safety is at immediate risk of significant harm contact West Midlands Police on 999


May we remind parents that phones can not be used on-site and no photographs or videos of children should be taken. We have a number of children at school who can not be shown on the internet. This is in the interest of protecting our children and we thank you for your co-operation.


Safeguarding Policy

Greenholm Prevent Risk Assessment

Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass is the notification to the Dedicated Safeguarding Leads, prior to the start of the next school day, when a child or young person has been exposed to, or involved in, any domestic incident where the police have been called. 

We know that children can be significantly affected when this is the case and the information received will be used to make sure the right support is available for children throughout the school day.

If you have any questions regarding this, please contact Mr Bird who will be happy to discuss this further or visit

Operation Encompass – Letter to Parents

Useful Websites

Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board –

