Sports Premium Grant Overview and Impact Statements 2022 – 2023
Sports Premium at Greenholm Primary School
At Greenholm Primary School, we use Sports Premium Funding to achieve the following objectives:
- Deliver high-quality PE lessons and a range of extra-curricular activities.
- Encourage all children to be physically active during their time at school.
- Increase overall levels of physical activity across the school.
- Celebrate sports and physical education through competitive events.
Impact of Sports Premium Funding
Sports Premium Funding has a lasting impact on our school community by:
- Raising the profile of PE and sports throughout the school, embedding a culture of physical activity.
- Providing high-quality extra-curricular activities to inspire participation.
- Boosting children’s skills, confidence, and attainment in PE and sporting opportunities.
- Supporting children to develop and maintain healthy, active lifestyles.
- Celebrating PE and sporting achievements through regular competitive events.
- Enhancing the quality of PE teaching to ensure sustained improvements.

After School Clubs and Lunchtime Activities
Our pupils benefit from a wide range of sports clubs and activities, led by our sports coaches. These clubs provide opportunities for children to engage in physical and social activities after school and during lunchtimes. Children across the school take part in extra-curricular physical activities, helping them stay active and engaged.
These are led by Seemita Gumbs, the teacher responsible for developing P.E. across the school.