All children at Greenholm wear the school uniform.
This helps to:
- Promote a sense of belonging to the school
- Provides the right clothes for children to be wearing for their work and recreation
- Reduces opportunities for the children to be competitive about what they wear to school
- Encourages the appropriate working atmosphere at school
- Be easily recognised when children go on visits outside school.
Girls should wear black or grey trousers, skirts or pinafores, with white shirts or t-shirts and green jumpers or cardigans.
Boys should wear black /grey trousers with white shirts or t-shirts and green jumpers.
All children should wear proper shoes in school and these should be black and flat for children’s safety.
All uniform with a Greenholm logo has to be ordered from our supplier Brigade online at:
Trainers are not to be worn except for PE.
Can all parents please ensure that your child’s name is clearly written on the uniform so that if it gets lost we can return it – Thank you
Bags with the Greenholm logo on can also be purchased from the school office and on ParentPay.
PE Kit
All children wear a PE kit and it is important that children bring this in a PE bag with all items labelled. Children will need a Greenholm PE top, a pair of dark shorts or tracksuit bottoms and pumps.
Greenholm PE T-Shirts can also be purchased from the school office and on ParentPay.