School Performance Data

Attainment Data Summary

GLD Data Trend Table

This table presents the percentage of children achieving a Good Level of Development (GLD) at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) over the past three years. It compares Greenholm Primary School’s performance to the national average.

YearSchool % Good Level of DevelopmentNational % Good Level of Development

The school consistently outperforms the national average in GLD attainment, demonstrating a strong foundation for early years education.

Phonics Data Trend Table

This table highlights the percentage of Year 1 pupils achieving the expected standard in Phonics Screening over the last three years, comparing the school’s results to national averages.

YearSchool % Year 1 Working AtNational % Year 1 Working At

Greenholm Primary consistently exceeds the national average in Phonics, reflecting strong phonics teaching and early literacy support.

KS2 Data Trend Table (ARE)

This table showcases the percentage of pupils achieving the Age-Related Expectations (ARE) in Reading, Writing, and Maths combined, as well as individual subjects, over the last three years. It compares the school’s performance to national averages.

Year% Reading, Writing & Maths (School)% Reading, Writing & Maths (National)% Reading (School)% Reading (National)% Writing (School)% Writing (National)% Maths (School)% Maths (National)

Over the last 3 years, the school has outperformed national averages across all subjects at ARE, demonstrating effective teaching strategies and pupil progress.

KS2 Data Trend Table (GD)

This table provides the percentage of pupils achieving Greater Depth (GD) in Reading, Writing, and Maths combined, as well as individual subjects, over the last three years. It includes a comparison to national averages.

Year% Greater Depth Combined (School)% Greater Depth Combined (National)% Greater Depth Reading (School)% Greater Depth Reading (National)% Greater Depth Writing (School)% Greater Depth Writing (National)% Greater Depth Maths (School)% Greater Depth Maths (National)