School Performance and Results
lease find below our most recent Key Stage 2 performance data:
You can also view our full school performance data on the Compare School and College Performance Service. (Greenholm Primary School Performance Data (on the Department for Education’s official website):
Key Stage 2 Results 2024
Overall Performance
- Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in reading, writing, and maths (combined):
- Greenholm Primary School: 70%
- National Average: 60.5%
- Percentage of pupils achieving a higher standard in reading, writing, and maths (combined):
- Greenholm Primary School: 13.3%
- National Average: 7.6%
Performance by Subject
- Reading
- Expected Standard: 85.6% (National: 74.2%)
- Higher Standard: 30% (National: 28.5%)
- Average Scaled Score: 106.8 (National: 105.2)
- Writing (Teacher-Assessed)
- Expected Standard: 82.2% (National: 71.7%)
- Greater Depth: 17.8% (National: 12.9%)
- Maths
- Expected Standard: 78.9% (National: 73.1%)
- Higher Standard: 28.9% (National: 23.8%)
- Average Scaled Score: 105.1 (National: 104.4)
- Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling (GPS)
- Expected Standard: 82.2% (National: 72.2%)
- Higher Standard: 40% (National: 31.9%)
- Average Scaled Score: 107 (National: 105.3)
For 2023-24, progress measures are not available due to the absence of Key Stage 1 baseline data, as per government guidance.
Further Information
For more details on Greenholm Primary School’s results and performance, please visit our profile on the Department for Education’s Performance Service: